In compliance with President Cyril Ramaphosa’s executive order for lockdown and in line with our professional bodies, we wish to inform you that we have closed our practice until 16 April 2020 due to the pandemic spread of the COVID-19 virus. We need to postpone all non-urgent orthodontic appointments and we will re-evaluate this closer to the time.

The dental profession is regulated when it comes to cross-infection and we take this aspect very seriously in the best interests of all patients, your families, our staff, our families and the communities at large. Dental professionals and their staff are extremely vulnerable to this particular virus, as we are exposed to a high quantity of aerosol and saliva particles especially with certain procedures. Due to the infectiousness of the virus and the absolute need to slow down its spread, it is imperative to limit the possible exposure to everyone.

PLEASE NOTE: Delaying orthodontic visits for a few extra weeks or even if you miss a session will not cause any harm, as long as you are brushing your teeth regularly and following the instructions which we initially gave to you which are summarised below.

These instructions are for those undergoing treatment using fixed braces, removable braces, aligners, appliances or retainers:

  • Excellent oral hygiene is essential
  • Avoid consuming sweetened beverages or foods
  • Minimise consuming hard or sticky foods
  • Follow the instructions provided at your last visit, such as the wear of elastics, brushing your teeth, not eating hard or sticky foods etc.
  • For those who have finished their treatment and are wearing retainers, follow the instructions provided at your last visit regarding the wear times of your retainers.


  • Thankfully true emergencies are rare in an orthodontic office. Loose brackets while a nuisance, are not an emergency.
  • Emergencies are defined as pain that is not cured by over the counter medication, unstoppable bleeding, blunt force trauma, or infection.
  • Please be mindful of the difference in the coming weeks.
  • If you have an emergency that requires my intervention, please contact me via email at sharad@caraortho.co.za or on 0837928989 (Whatsapp is preferable – no voice notes please). It will be beneficial to send a photograph of the problem.
  • My advice is to try avoiding or minimising emergency visits until the virus spread slows down. It is thus imperative to adhere to the above instructions now more than ever before.

These are unprecedented times which are difficult for all of us and we need to work together for the benefit of all.

As always, we will endeavour to provide you with the best care and service. Thank you for your continued support and trust and we will see your ‘Smiles Forever’ soon. Stay Home. Stay Safe.



For updates:
@caraorthodontics on Facebook and Instagram